YouTube Header

The page gives you guidelines on adding channel art to your Youtube account. It will allow you to optimise your header for smart TV, phones, tablets etc.

How it works on Desktop

The below slice would be your desktop banner. It’s total dimensions are 2560 X 423 px.

How it works on TV

The whole image will be used. Aspect ratio is 16:9 i.e. 2560 x 1440 px

How it works on Tablets

On tablets we will be using a slightly wider slice which is indicated by the pink box above. The aspect ratio of this slice is 1855 px by 423 px.
Note: All of the pixel dimensions have more than doubled from what you would measure on normal monitors. This is to accommodate retina displays. On non-retina displays the image will be scaled to less than half the size with the same aspect ratios.

New channels will have a flexible width on desktop, meaning that the site will scale to reveal more content on larger browser windows. There is a minimum size at which point the site would no longer adapt and a scroll bar would appear in the browser window. At the minimum width the channel art is 1546 X 423 px (this is the “Safe area” given that text & logos will not be cut off). At the maximum width, the channel art is 2560 X 423 px. This means that the “SAFE AREA” (channel art at minimum width) will always be visible and the areas to the right and left (shown with green arrows) might be visible depending on the viewer’s browser size.